I absolutely love creating new outfits and that was something that I wasn’t able to compromise even during my pregnancy -and surely not after giving birth either. I was one of the lucky ones; I was able to fit my own clothes from start to finish in spite of put on almost 15 kilograms during my pregnancy. I most point out that the main reason why I was able to fit my own clothes during pregnancy was that I was so bad shape and even thought my clothes were from children’s clothing department / the smallest sizes of woman’s department, they were just hanging loosely on me because of my anorectic figure. So, when my pregnancy belly growned bigger and bigger my own clothes were actually fitting better to me and when I was near my time I started to use the belly tube and longer shirts/tops -not forgetting the dresses. By the way, would you be interested if I did a pregnancy outfit post? : — ) Anyhow, because of loving creating new outfits, it’s so inspiring to see other moms too who are able to hang on their own style during pregnancy and after that. I know that motherhood is one of those moments in woman’s life when that very own style could get lost for a very long time-during pregnancy and after that- because of the body changes which might feel so unfamiliar. And please, don’t hide your body behind unflattering clothes because you don’t have no reason to be afraid to show your body or feeling ashamed of your stretch marks, ”kangaroo pouch” et cetera because your body has just going through a really hard and revolutionary process doing a respectable job. And those are the things why your body is so amazing and deserves to be treated right -no matter what your size is! I got inspired by this topic and I ended up digging the Internet by searching images from chic moms -I hope you’ll got inspired by those too! : — ) Enivei, edellisestä syystä johtuen on aina inspiroivaa nähdä niitä muitakin, jotka ovat kykeneväisiä pukeutumaan tyylilleen uskollisesti raskausaikanakin sekä sen jälkeenkin. Tiedän, että äitiys on naisen elämässä juurikin niitä hetkiä, jolloin se oma tyyli saattaa olla kadoksissa niin raskausaikana kuin vielä pitkään synnytyksen jälkeenkin kropan muuttumisen myötä koska se oma kroppa saattaa tuntua kovin vieraalta. Älkää peitelkö sitä lapsenne muovaavaa kroppaanne telttamaisiin kerroksiin vaan kunnioittakaa sitä -ei ole olemassa ainoatakaan hyvää syytä hävetä raskausarpia, löysää ”kengurunahkaa” tms. sillä kehonne on jaksanut mullistavan ja rankan prosessin kunnialla loppuun saakka -ja siitä syystä se ansaitsisikin päälleen jotain hyvin imartelevaa, oli se ruuminrakenne mikä vain! Aiheesta inspiroituen päädyin kaivelemahan netin uumenista kuvia tyylikkäistä äideistä ja tämä samainen saa tulevaisuudessa jatko-osiakin sillä tyylikkäitä äitejä on maailma pullollaan -toivottavasti kykenette ammentamaan näistä tyyli-inspiraatiota kerrakseen! : — ) |
[From: The Sartorialist] |
[From: New York Magazine] [From: Street style fashion – blog]