Mira Rinne

#101 – “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you only have today.”

These past few weeks has been more than rough in my circle of acquaintances.  
And once again it reminds us. It reminds that life is so so  incredibly short. 

It reminds that life is meant to be lived. 

No perform,  excuses, reservations, holding back or survived. No for thinking “When…”
-life is here and now and we all own to ourselves to make the best out of it.

We all own to ourselves to live our dreams -not dream our lifes.

And we need to be grateful for every second of it -in good times but also in bad times.
I learned it in hard way; life is so unexpected and there are so many things that you just can’t  decide -whether you’ll get horible disease or not, whether you’ll see your children’s grown or not, whethet you’ll… and the list goes on forever. 
But there’s always one thing that depends on us:
 we can decide  how we react to what happens and what is our attitude.
Someone wise once said that: “Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but by how we react to what happens, not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life.”
And that is so so  true.
Some of the few people = my loved ones who know my whole lifestory
{and they’ll be the only ones who will know those -I haven’t and will NOT tell
those things here, in my blog, because they’re private. I’ll share something about my battle against anorexia but that’s it -and believe me; there’s more painful things that has happen to me.}

has sometimes asked me that how I’ve been survived all those things as a stronger -not weaker- person and some of them think that all those things are too much for one person.
And I always have this same answer:  I know it hasn’t been an easy life for me but even all those horrible things were meant to be. All things happens for a reason and without them I wouldn’t be this person who I am now. I’m not a typical twenty-something -I’m an old soul, always been and always will be. 
And my secret has been the right attitude that has carried me a long way. I admit that there were times when I almost choose to give up on life but then I found a right attitude. And without it I would be lost or even dead 
-a human being is a complex so for example even if you’re fighting against a physical disease your attitude is really important key to getting better and fighting against death; if you choose to give up, your body probably does the same.

We need to find happiness even in sorrow, sickness and bad times.
I know it’s not easy {been there, done that and yes: it was a loooooong way here} but I’m telling you it is possible.
You just need to believe  in it.

Life is a gift and growing older is a privilege denied to many.

“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, 

whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, 

if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,

think about these things.”

Philippians 4:8

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