Mira Rinne

20 Ugly-Chic Christmas Sweaters you’ll want to wear year-round

Hi there lovelies! ❤️

I’m so happy to be here after awhile! This fall has been the crazy one, my life feels like a flight A to Y in a seconds but after I learn how to do two full-time jobs, get a degree and be a mother and spouse -while still have a time to take care of myself and keep my sanity 😄 – I will publish like usual.

Til’ that, it unfortunately is what it is and you can hear more from me on Fashion Poetry’s other channels:

Pinterest is my number one blogging business tool and the one I’ve invest my time in.

Basics, like the best blogging and social media tips and tricks, home inspiration to get your home to Christmas spirit too, words that inspire you to carry on and of course outfit inspiration for the holiday season!

You can find me on Instagram with the username @thefashionpoetry

Instagram is something I really like but don’t invest my time so much. But the day in early fall when I decided to spend more time with it, I’ve grown my followers almost 700 so now there’s almost 1000 of you.

(…and when I do something with IG, my followers drops anytime like 30 and gain 12 and then again drop 15 and gain 10 -and it goes on like forever. So it feels like a struggle nowadays to grow an account but I’ve decided to ignore the numbers and just focus on publishing things that are 100% of me.

Besides, those numbers don’t reflect anyway how great my value is as an influencer because this blog and Pinterest are my main channels.)


I use Instagram Stories the most, mostly in English but sometimes in Finnish also, so there’s quite often a face you recognize and when I publish something into my feed, it’s always quite visual but I tend to write a caption that speaks from the bottom of my heart.

For example,lately, I’ve shared my story as an ex-anorectic who almost died after I was battling with that disease that’s straight from the hell over a decade. But also about thankfulness and gratitude, my self-love journey and, of course, my outfits.

Countdown to Christmas

But, I’m here to do a countdown to Christmas so til’ later to the next week, it’s all about Christmas feelings -from a crazy Christmas person to all of you lovely ones! 😍

And oh well, let’s start from the basics.

Meaning Christmas sweaters!

I’ve loved those since like forever but this is the first year I actually have one (read: two) and as that crazy Christmas person, I predict that I will be using those in a year-round.

Like during the Midsummer when it’s pouring rain (and when it comes to an
typical Finnish weather, it wouldn’t be the first time if it would be pouring snow. Yes. For. Real.)

During the weekend, I’ll show you how I’ve worn one of these beauties (yes, beauties -I’m a Christmas person after all! 😄) lately by showing you one of the outfits I created. Let’s just say that I looked cute so you better look forward to that outfit article! 😉

Ugly-Chic Christmas Sweaters

…and because I know you want one -and some of you will also wear it year-round like me- here are THE BEST Christmas sweaters I’ve found and you can just go and collect them in-store.

Also, some of these will serve not-so-much-a-Christmas-sweater-persons year-round, so there’s something to everyone!

Fact: Life is more fun in a Christmas sweater.

Are you a Christmas sweater person? 😍
If yes, will you wear it year-round or do you just stick with the Holiday season?

Life is more fun in a Christmas sweater!
[shopr collection=”xmas”]

[bctt tweet=”@Fashion_Poetry just listed the 20 Ugly-Chic Christmas Sweaters you’ll want to wear year-round. Go and find out why life is more fun in a Christmas sweater! 😍”]



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