
[:en] Lately, I’ve been thinking about our choices.And how we often think how our choices reflect to the other ones; What would X think if I changed my main subject just before graduating?What would X think of me if I failed something that so many have succeeded in?What if we would be hoping to have kids […]

[:en]Create a life that feels good on the inside | Luo elämä, joka tuntuu hyvältä sisäpuolelta[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

[:en] This week the Webilization has been full of amazing deals and prices because it has been the Black Friday Week. And today, Black Friday, the deals get even better and crazier. And because it’s hard to know where the best prices and deal are, I did a little roundup and in this article, you […]

[:en]8 x Styling Black Friday Finds | 8 x Black Friday-löytöjen stailaaminen[:]

My latest finds - Viimeisimmät löytöni, Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] Click the number to the link to that song | Klikkaa numeroa päästäksesi käsiksi kyseiseen biisiin:1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 Music plays a really big role in my life. I used it when I’m thoughtful, when negativity tries to strike me, when I feel […]

[:en]8 x Thursday Tunes[:]

Music on - World off

[:en] Inspiration – Street style at Milan Fashion Week SS18 Puff coat – Monki (70€)Leather trousers – Alexander McQueen (2410€)Hydrating lipstick – Chanel (32€)Leather ankle boots – Ellery (775€)Two-tone leather bag – Prada (2190€) Oh my, I already thought that this whole puffer-trend doesn’t hit me at allbecause it really doesn’t look something that I […]

[:en]Currently obsessed: Puffer trend[:]

My latest finds - Viimeisimmät löytöni, Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] The thing is that often I feel afraid. Insecure. That I’m not enough.That I’m not there where I should be at this age.And I’m afraid that I’m not the only one who often feels this way.  But you know what’s great in it?We can grow. Grow above those insecurities that keep us awake at […]

[:en]You have everything in You | Sussa on kaikki[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä, Inspiration - Inspiraatiota

[:en] I got inspired by this cold and grey weather so I created this outfitwhich is one of my faves at the moment. This photo of Edie Campbell makes me wanna smile more and be cozy!It was taken by David Sims to the Vogue Paris September issue 😍 As you cold see from one of […]

[:en]Outfit inspiration: Cold wave | Tyyli-inspiraatiota: Kylmä aalto[:]

My latest finds - Viimeisimmät löytöni, Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] Energistä perjantaita ihanuudet! 😍 Teitä osallistui edelliseen arvontaan verrattuna tuplasti eli ihan huikea määrä!Kiitos siitä ja arvonnathan ovat nyt pysyvä osa The Fashion Poetryä 😉 Mutta nyt olisi aika julkistaa upean Lumenen tuotepaketin voittaja! Ja hän tulee tässä *rumpujen pärinää*: Paljon onnea Minnea! 😊  Otan suhun yhteyttä hetimiten, että saadaan tuotepaketti perille!  With love […]

[:en]Lumenen tuotepaketin voittaja![:]


[:en] Vielä tänään pystyt osallistumaan Lumenen tuotepaketin arvontaan, jonka myötähaluan syrämmellisesti kiittää juuri Sua siitä, että mahdollistat tämän unelmien työnja oot mukana Fashion Poetryn meiningeissä! ♡  Kokosin siis Lumenen tuotteista niin kutsutun pikkujoulupaketin, jossa 7 ihanaa yksilöä 😍 Osallistumisohjeet blogissa TÄÄLLÄ, Facebookin ARVONTAKUVASSAsekä Instagramin ARVONTAKUVASSA ja muistathan, että sähköpostillakin pystyy osallistumaan osoitteeseen 😊 Onnea arvontaan ihanuudet! ♡ With […]

[:en]Muistutus: Osallistu Lumenen tuotepaketin arvontaan vielä tänään[:]


[:en] The sky was full of magic today.  And I believe that life can be too. But only if we take time to create a life that feels good on the inside. To have people in our lives who encourage us to be the best version of ourselves. To make a living with something that […]

[:en]Full of Magic | Täynnä taianomaisuutta[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

[:en] Photo credit: @elfincharms by Paige Mason This article is about those painful feelings behind the reason why I almost quit dancing.Why it was so hard to even dance my heart out because of the hell called burnout. I thought that I just don’t know how to dance anymore.That burnout took me my ability to […]

[:en]Dance for Life | Tanssi elämälle[:]

About me - Meikälääsestä, Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

Serial entrepreneur with +20 years of experience, content creator, visionary of digital business, storyteller, marketing nerd and believer of the human-to-human strategies. Empowerment and Business Coach whose passion is seeing other heart-led humans live their wildest dreams and serve them to unleash their potential, build bold and aligned brands, create success stories and get life-changing  empowerment.

hi, mira rinne.

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