
[:en] TO-READ LIST LUKUMENUSSA 👠 PORTER Magazine TO-LISTEN LIST KUUNTELULISTALLA 👠 NIINA: Dopamine 👠 Gjan: Tattoo 👠The Chainmokers feat. Coldplay: Something just like this TO-WATCH LIST RUUDULLA 👠 Fast and Furious 8 👠 The Client List THE BEST OF ACCORDING TO THE FASHION GEEK IN MESISÄISEN MUOTINÖRTTINI KUTKUTTAJAT 👠 Well, I bought jeans which is really big thing […]

[:en]The Best of April | Huhtikuun parhaimmisto[:]

About me - Meikälääsestä

[:en] Hey there lovelies and happy Saturday! ♡ Still remember THIS post where I shared my latest finds with you?Well, this absolutely stunning ruffled blouse was in that post too and here’s how I styled it -this time!First, I wasn’t sure at all about this combination but then I thought; why not? Because dressing up should […]

[:en]Outfit of the Day: Fashion Cocktails[:]

My latest finds - Viimeisimmät löytöni, My outfits - Asukokonaisuuteni, My style - Meikälääsen tyyli, Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] Listening to? Shy’m – On se fout de nousParra for Cuva ft. Anna Naklab – Wicked games Birdy – Ghost in the wind The National – Sea of love Inspired by? Lately I’ve been diving into the inspiring world of Fall 2017 collections-you can get inspired too by these fabulous collections HERE.  Loving? At […]

[:en]At the moment[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä, Inspiration - Inspiraatiota

[:en] The 17th of April was one of the most beautiful and memorable day of my life.It was full of magic; magic that we know as love. And there’s no better thing than love.Being loved, receiving love and giving love. That’s the thing in life. I’m so grateful that I’ve met the One and Only […]

[:en]What is love? Mitä on rakkaus?[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

[:en] This beautiful metallic pleated skirt was a sale find from Zalando, label called Anna Field.It cost slightly over twenty euros, so not bad at all! Tämän metallikaunottaren bongasin Zalandosta ale-hintaan hieman rennollaparillakympillä eli ei ollenkaan paha hinta. Merkkinä Anna Field. This pleated, lilac dress was 10€ find from second-hand shop called Ykkösbasaari, here in […]

[:en]12 x Material happiness | Kaksitoistakertaista materialismionnellisuutta[:]

My latest finds - Viimeisimmät löytöni, My style - Meikälääsen tyyli

[:en] Hey there lovelies and wonderful Easter! ♡Today I got to spend some quality time with one of my best friends and it was the best way to start this loooong weekend 😍 We went for a long walk, ate well, taked some awesome pictures, brainstormed and danced around the living room. Time well spent! (Love […]

[:en]Beautiful minds inspire others[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä, Inspiration - Inspiraatiota

[:en] I think that Sarah Jessica Parker has hardly left anyone fashion-holic cold -such an influential and inspiring style muse she is. To me, Parker’s role as a Carrie Bradshaw has influenced me but so has Parker’s as herself too. A couple of years ago WhoWhatWear interviewed SJP, where Sarah said that Patricia Field (who dressed […]

[:en]9 x Style Lessons | 9 x Tyylioppitunti: Sarah Jessica Parker[:]

Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] Photo credit: Pinterest   Short translation: This post is about those painful feelings we keep inside our head. Feelings that make us weak, afraid and really really sad. Why it’s so much easier to keep those feelings inside us than it is to share those with our loved ones? It’s really more than ok […]

[:en]Anna muiden kantaa[:]

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä, Music on - World off

[:en] Elizabeth Taylor wearing fishnets If someone would said me a few years ago that I would consider wearinga pair of fishnet tights, I would rolled my eyes and laughed. But, here I am, wondering what to wear with a pair of fishnets-so never say never, especially when it comes to style issues.  Especially I […]

[:en]How to wear: Fishnets | Verkkosukkahousujen käyttöohje[:]

My style - Meikälääsen tyyli, Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] “Be a seeker of everyday magic. Today, the sky was full of magic and full of hope.Full of love notes to your spirit.Love notes that whisper;everything will work out, let life carry you.” Elisabet M. Rinne | The Fashion Poetry Juuri nyt nämä yllä olevat sanat parantavat voimallaan,sillä jouduin kohtaamaan jokaisen vanhemman pahimman skenaarion;oman pienokaisen joutuminen […]

[:en]Full of Hope | Toivoa täynnä[:]

About me - Meikälääsestä, Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

Serial entrepreneur with +20 years of experience, content creator, visionary of digital business, storyteller, marketing nerd and believer of the human-to-human strategies. Empowerment and Business Coach whose passion is seeing other heart-led humans live their wildest dreams and serve them to unleash their potential, build bold and aligned brands, create success stories and get life-changing  empowerment.

hi, mira rinne.

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