[:en] Oh, how I LOVE this time of the year. There’s just something really magicalabout Christmas time… maybe it’s the atmosphere, the loving vibes you get everywhereor all the Christmasness. But I just LOVE LOVE LOVE the Christmas time so I figured out that it’s time to do the “Saturday Sweetly Home” theme daybased completely on […]
[:en] Hey there lovelies and super Friday! ♡ Any plans for this weekend? 😊 Here are this week’s Friday Finds, I hope you get inspired! You can find all the details when you scroll down: — Hei ihanuudet ja superia perjantaita! ♡ Onko jo suunnitelmia tälle viikonlopulle? 😊 Tässä tämän viikon perjantai-löydöt, toivottavasti ne inspiroivat sua! Niiden informaation […]
[:en] *Contains ad links *Sisältää mainoslinkkejä Hey there and happy Monday! ♡ I thought that this would be a perfect start forMonday; to spread some love for the women in your life while doingsome serious gift-shopping cardio! Mostly these gifts are under 30€ so your walletdoesn’t go bankrupt anytime soon! I absolutely LOVE this time of […]
[:en] Hey there lovelies and beautiful Sunday! ♡ I got sick on Tuesday and oh man, I feel the worst. I hope this sickness will go away soonbecause I haven’t been able to do anything -even writing this post takes me so much strenght at the moment… Anyway, I hope your weekend has been full of inspiring […]
[:en] I’m a part of the fabulous Boss Girl Bloggers community which was founded by the fabulousEll Duclos and she came up with this fun Winter Tag idea! It consists of 15 winter/holiday related questions and if you’ve been tagged, it’s time for you to answer these too!And when you have answered, tag at least […]
[:en] We, the love of my life and me, went to see live one of our favourite bands:Apulanta in the front row 😍 TO-READ LIST LUKUMENUSSA 👠 You are a Badass: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life*Jen Sincero👠Elle Finland*👠Trendi Magazine TO-LISTEN LIST KUUNTELULISTALLA 👠 SZA feat. Travis Scott – Love Galore […]