
Wonderful 1st of March, lovelies! ♡ What would be a better way to start this first official spring month than sharing with you songs that always lift my spirit up -for no matter what. These are the songs that make me forget all my problems, gets smile on my face, make my hips moving and my […]

7 x Thursday Tunes: Songs that lift you up

Music on - World off

Hi there lovelies! ♡ Just wanted to let you know that I’m taking a vacation with my son. We are going away from the city to the countryside to visit my parents. That, unfortunately, means a little slower article publishing schedule too because I’m gonna be more offline than online. Just so I can enjoy fully the presence of […]

Taking a relaxing break | Rentouttava breikki

About me - Meikälääsestä

Listening to?  Ghetto Kids feat. BrunOG – Coqueta Jooseppi – Moments Active Child – Evening Ceremony Cheek – Timantit on ikuisia Afterwork Podcast by Jenni Rotonen, Rina Järventaka & Petra Soikkeli   Inspired by? Lately I’ve been diving into the inspiring world of Spring SS18 collections (and a little bit of FW’19 collections too). But […]

At the moment…

About me - Meikälääsestä, Inspiration - Inspiraatiota

[:en] Hi guys! ♡ And super lovely weekend! Any plans? My plans are very very simple; working my ass off and I so so so enjoy this! I mean truly e-n-j-o-y. This may sound weird but I have actually waited for this weekend so I can dedicate myself to work 110%. Friday night went smoothly by […]

[:en]About dreams and work-oriented weekends | Unelmista ja työntäyteisistä viikonlopuista[:]

Boss Girl Career - Uraoivallukset

[:en] Hi guys! ♡ And super lovely weekend! Any plans? My plans are very very simple; working my ass off and I so so so enjoy this! I mean truly e-n-j-o-y. This may sound weird but I have actually waited for this weekend so I can dedicate myself to work 110%. Friday night went smoothly by […]

[:en]About dreams and work-oriented weekends | Unelmista ja työntäyteisistä viikonlopuista[:]

Boss Girl Career - Uraoivallukset

Trendi-lehti* avaa tärkeän aiheen ja puhuttelee meitä uraoivalluksillaan -sekä aloittaa #Uraoivallus-kampanjan. #Uraoivallus-kampanjan ideana on haastaa meidät lukijat kertomaan jokin ahaa-elämys, joka on muuttanut suhtautumisen omaan uraan. Tämä kampanja on mahtava juttu siitä, että itse ainakin ammennan monesti voimaa muiden kokemuksista ja niistä tuikitärkeistä neuvoista. Koska ne tuntuvat vievän eteenpäin sillä niitä voi jalostaa omaan elämään sopiviksi ja […]

#Uraoivallus: Ei ole olemassa suoraa tietä päämäärääsi

Boss Girl Career - Uraoivallukset, Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

Today is all about celebrating love, the world’s most beautiful thing. To me, the word ‘love’ captures the world’s most wonderful things; my love for life itself, love for the loved ones, love for different (like for fashion, good feeling and photographing) things and of course, love for myself. That’s why I consider myself one […]

The 14 Best articles about Love || 14 x Parhaimmat artikkelit rakkaudesta

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

Inspiration: Pinterest I’m currently obsessed with the off-the-shoulder trend and especially the sweater version of it. It can be styled for so many styles: with a dress, a skirt, jeans, leather trousers, culottes, and the list goes on. You can even add a belt (regular or a statement one) on it, tuck the hem inside […]

Currently obsessed: Off-the-shoulder sweater

Style inspiration - Tyyli-inspiraatiota

[:en] I’ve been told that how useless it is that inside of me, there lies this unstoppable feeling towards fashion. I’ve been told that how I can do something this shallow with a big and an open heart? We all have our strengths, our own guide called intuition that leads us in the middle of […]

[:en]Fashion -nothing but shallowness? | Muoti -pelkkää pinnallisuutta?[:]

Fashion - Muoti, Self-love - Itsensä rakastaminen

Moon bongannut tämän maailman ihanimman haasteen monista blogeista ja tämä on niin kaunis sekä myös hyvin fashionpoetrymainen eli päätin tarttua tähän itsekin enemmän kuin mielelläni. Laitan tämän haasteena menemään näille kolmelle supernaiselle: Randomilla-blogin Millalle, Saijs-blogin Saijalle ja Lilies&Life-blogin Liliesille  -sekä Sulle! Kirjoita paperille, kommenttiboksiin, mailiin tai tee oma blogipostaus tästä. Tätä on niin ihana tehdä […]

5 x Kolme hyvää asiaa

Deep thoughts - Syvällistä

Serial entrepreneur with +20 years of experience, content creator, visionary of digital business, storyteller, marketing nerd and believer of the human-to-human strategies. Empowerment and Business Coach whose passion is seeing other heart-led humans live their wildest dreams and serve them to unleash their potential, build bold and aligned brands, create success stories and get life-changing  empowerment.

hi, mira rinne.

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