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I'm here to serve you, dear fellow adventurer, to unleash your full potential, build a bold and aligned brand, create your success stories and get life-changing empowerment. 💜
Let me help you to love the life you already live with inspiration, digital business strategies (that I've learned from the last +20 years) and other influential content related to stories, strategies and style that is tailor-made for Dreamers&Doers.
Because everyone deserves to have a Life&Biz BFF that reminds them how to have more fun, am I right?🥰
A podcast where you join me (Mira!) as I chat to fellow entrepreneurial-minded go-getters like you over a hot green tea.
Empower TALK -The Podcast about Stories, Strategies and Wellbeing Skills
Hey Wonderful Soul, I know you need to hear this.⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The reality behind this beautifully smiling face isn’t just about sunshine and heart-shaped attitude towards life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ My reality is more than that: a genuinely happy life mixed with tornados that come without a warning, giving ultimatums of life and death. Bringing on the battle between fear and hope.
Hei Upeasieluinen, Sun tarvitsee kuulla tämä.
Todellisuus tämän kauniisti hymyilevevän kasvon takana ei ole vain auringonpaistetta ja syrämenmuotoista elämänasennetta.
Se on myös kaikkea muutakin: aidosti onnellinen elämä, jollaiseen kuuluu luonnollisena osana myös muutakin kuin pelkkää auringonpaistetta ja glitteriä. Tällä kertaa siihen on sekoitettu tornadojen aalto, joka iski varoittamatta -antaen uhkavaatimuksia elämästä ja kuolemasta. Tuoden taistelun pelon ja toivon välille.
These photos were taken just before going to the life-threating surgery.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I would be lying if I told you that I wasn’t afraid. ⠀ I would be lying if I told you that a positive mindset was all I had in this fun photoshoot with my Hubby. ⠀
Nämä kuvat otettiin juuri ennen astumista hengenvaaralliseen leikkaukseen -siihen, josta vain rukoilin ja toivoin selviäni hengissä heräten edelleen minuna itsenäni.
Valehtelisin, jos kertoisin Sulle etten ollut peloissani. Valehtelisin, jos väittäisin positiivisen mielentilan olleen ainoana mielessäni tässä hauskassa kuvauksessa aviomieheni kanssa.
To be honest, I actually thought this was gonna be the last photoshoot ever. Not just in the worst-case scenario, but especially when thinking realistic.A positive outcome was that I would stay alive, but not in working order. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Ollakseni ihan rehellinen, niin luulin näiden kuvausten jäävän viimeiseksi koskaan. En pelkästään ajatellessani sitä pahinta mahdollista lopputulosta, vaan ihan jo realistisesti jalat maassa funtsien tilannettani todennäköisyyksineen. Yltiöpositiivisen lopputuloksen piti olla sellainen, jossa olen edelleen hengissä mutten minä tai enää työkykyinen.
In these photos, I’m deadly ill.
My diagnosis wasn’t something that can be seen or even think that “Hey, that girl has a ticking time-bomb in her head!”. Or believe that most of the time I was hurting so much that the only thing that helped was laying in a dark room for days. Most of these pain seizures started from really normal situations -like the sound of a doorbell, loud noises in a grocery store, etc. My dizziness was also something so life-limiting.
A nerve tumor they said, that influenced in every single way possible -feeling too tired to even watch a TV or walk to our mailbox, hearing and seeing in such a hurtful way and not remembering things or even so familiar words. Just to name a few things how this illness effected to my and our family life.
Näissä kuvissa mä olen kuolemanvakavasti sairas.
Mun päässä olevaa kasvainta ei kukaan pysty konkreettisesti näkemään eikä ehkä ajattelemaan, että tällä tyypillä olisi ollut tikittävä aikapommi päässä. Saati uskomaan, että usein on niin satuttava olo, että ainut mikä auttaa parin päivän kuluessa oli lepo pimeässä huoneessa sekä muun muassa elämää rajoittava huimaus ja kipukohtaukset, jotka alkoivat ihan jo tavallista kovemmasta äänestä -esimerkiksi ovikellosta, kauppareissujen isoista äänistä jne. tai väärästä valaistuksessa.
Hermokasvain, he sanoivat. Mikä vaikuttaa jokaisella mahdollisella tavalla, tavoin joita ei edes tulleet ajatelleeksikaan aiemmin. Saaden oloni tuntumaan kirjaimellisesti kuolemanväsyneeltä edes katsomaan hömppäsarjoja tai käveleen ulko-oven vieressä sijaitsevalle postilaatikolle, kuullen ja nähden useimmiten niin sanoinkuvaamattoman kivuliaalla tavalla sekä muistamattomuudella asioiden tai edes tutunkaan sanavaraston suhteen. Näin muutaman oireen mainitakseni.
But in these photos, I’m also so much more than just that deadly ill patient.
I’m carrying all that hope to live at least til’ Mother’s Day so I could have the privilege to still be a Mother to my dearest. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Carrying also so much fear, hate, lost hope and all the other things that are so hard to say aloud -or even admit just to myself too.
Mutta näissä kuvissa mä olen myös kaikkea muutakin kuin vain kuolemanvakavasti sairas potilas.
Näissä kuvissakin mäkannan toivoa elämisestä edes Äitienpäivään saakka, jotta saisin sen etuoikeuden vielä olla äiti ja syleillä rakkaintani.
Niiden kauniiden asioiden lisäksi painolastini on ollut täynnä pelkoa, vihaa, jo menetettyä toivoa ja kaikkia muitakin asioita, joita oli ja on edelleen erittäin vaikea lausua ääneen -saati edes tunnustaa itselleni.
Today, I acknowledge that I won the first round with death but with this diagnose, anything can change. To much better like thankfully now, but also to so so much worse. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ But that’s just life you know.
And in the end, the only thing that counts is my attitude. Attitude towards life. That positive mindset, that has got me this far and has won so many obstacles in these 29 years of being Mira. ⠀
Tänään mä tiedostan, että voitin ekan erän kuoleman kanssa mutta, että tämän diagnoosin kanssa kaikki voi muuttua. Paljon odotettua parempaan kuten Luojan kiitos nyt, mutta myös paljon paljon huonompaan.
Mutta se on vain elämää.
Ja loppujen lopuksi ainut asia, joka lasketaan ja jolla on merkitystä on se mun asenteeni elämää kohtaan. Omalla kohdallani se on tämä positiivinen elämänasenne, joka on tuonut mut näin pitkälle voittaen lukemattomia esteitä näinä 29-vuoden aikana.
That’s the whole story behind these photos and behind my life, that I truly think is already quite enjoyable and worthy of praise: with good and bad. With all the question marks that tumor left behind regarding to yesterday, today, tomorrow and the rest of my life. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Which leads to this question: What did you do today and have done recently that you truly e-n-j-o-y?
Tämä on se koko stoori näiden asukuvien takana ja tämänkin ammattibloggaajan elämän takana. Mutta mun mielestä mun elämä on edelleen melko nautinnollista ja ylistämisen arvoista: kaiken sen hyvän ja kaiken tän pahankin kanssa. Kaiken niiden kysymysmerkkien kanssa, jotka kasvain on jättänyt jälkeensä eilisestä, tästä päivästä, huomisesta ja tulevaisuudestani loppuelämäni ajan.
Mikä johdattaakin mut kysymään Sulta ihanaiselta seuraavaa: Mitä Sä oot tehnyt tänään ja viime aikoina sellaista, josta todella n-a-u-t-i-t?
Outfit Details of Check on Check
Ruutua Ruudun kera -asun lähtökohdat
Oversized check trench KappAhl (sale find) and something that I’ve had looked for a long time and finally this spring I founded it!
Loose peplum shirt Cubus (sale find) and it’s really practical because it doesn’t need any iron so it’s always ready-to-wau! Plus, it really flatters my hourglass body shape.
Rhinestones-detailed and checked with some pink details Diamond Bum Bag Topshop and I’m soooo in love with this one! It’s soft, can be wear like this on the shoulder or like on the waist.
All-time favourite pink glitter boots and I actually just published article about it so go read it here with some empowering words and go get yours power pair! 😍
Beautiful and all-natural lippie Zuii Lip and Cheek Creme
Pearl hair clips Gina Tricot and this is my fave accessorize trend so I’ve been practically living with these this whole year. And I prefer wearing more than just one -I think it looks more sassy chic.
How-to Guide to Create Your kind of Check on Check Outfit | Opas Sun oman Ruutua Ruudulla -asun luomiseen:
[shopr_shopthepost collection=”checked” size=”large” title=”Gorgeous finds for making your kind of Check on Check! Upeita löytöjä luodaksesi Sun version Ruutua Ruudulla -asusta!” show_product_title=”yes” show_product_price=”yes”] [shopr collection=”checked”]
What do You think of mixing prints or multiple the same print on an outfit? Yes for boldness or nope? 😍
And hey, share this article to someone who needs to hear these empowering words of enjoying Today & mixing prints style inspiration! And save this to your Pinterest as a reminder & inspiration! 😘
Mitä mieltä Sä oot kuosien yhdistelystä tai saman kuosin moninkertaistamisesta samassa asussa? Kyllä rohkeudelle vaiko ei? 😍
Muista hei myös jakaa tämä artikkeli sille tyypille, joka kaipaisi rohkaisun sanoja elää tätä hetkeä & inspistä miten toteuttaa kuosia kuosilla-trendiä tosielämässä. Ja tallenna tämä Pinterestiisi muistutuksena & inspiraationa! 😘
This post was featured on Links à la Mode fashion roundup by Independent Fashion Bloggers.
Before we met, I felt like ”Oh, I’ll do this and that when I’ve got time.” But after we met, I’ve got so much ideas from you and I’ve been coming back to your website and to your Instagram so many times. I am thankful our paths have crossed and I can’t wait our next meeting. ❤️”
"Mira, you made me speechless -in a good way. I feel like you’re the flow, you buust me up and take me forward.
CAMILLA - reader since day 1, TWENTY-SOMETHING
And then suddenly you come along and I notice how I think to myself, "Hey Camilla, you're never alone with your feelings and thoughts. ❤️"
"Mira, I just love how you share your vulnerability here on social media. Because, to be honest, sometimes I notice how I'm dwelling on that feeling like I'm all alone.
Your crisp and clear advices really help me to keep going forward. I felt like giving up, but with your practical advices I have succeed in doing my businesses's websites in just a ONE week. Launching my website is all I've got left to do. I strongly recommend Mira's services as a start-up entrepreneur.
"Mira, your business coaching call was very useful. It clarified my services and I got new perspectives on which way to go from now on.
camilla - reader since day 1, twenty-something
Then you came to my mind and I think to myself what would Mira say. I imagined you would say something like "Just breathe, my friend. And start working that love towards your lovely self." Then I calmed down. And NOW you've published this gorgeous photo of you in jeans and bras with thoughts about self-love. 😭💖 I'm not sure is there some kind of power above us today that sends my thoughts forward or what -I really don't know. But I felt like telling you. Mira, you are lovely. ❤️”
"For real Mira, when I saw your newest post on my IG feed, my eyes misted over. Just couple hours earlier I was so anxious that I felt anxious enough to disappearing back to those scary bulimic times.
MARI - chronic illness warrior, 32 YEARS OLD
Thank you so much for that! It's amazing how our dreams help us making it through tough times. 🙏🏽"
"Mira, I read your story frequently. Because you and your story inspire me to keep doing my thing. 🥰
Elisa Kallokoski - BURLESQUE ARTIST
Basically, practical help and advices. A roadmap where to start and which steps to follow in order to get forward. My own thoughts were (and from time to time still are) a pretty buzzy, so I needed someone to get the hang of my thoughts. And Mira, you really did that. Our coaching call take of smoothly and vigorous, without feeling too cold. I felt like Mira really wanted to help precisely me. Chatting with Mira felt so natural that I got a brand new information, that doesn't read in any business guides, without even noticing it.
"I strongly recommend Mira's services -even in that point where you wonder do you even have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. I needed someone who would kick my ass and advices that I wouldn't get any other trainings.
kind words
Are you ready to match your heart with business strategies? Welcome to the Empower TALK Podcast (launching in the end of 2023 -I’m SO excited!). This bilingual podcast is also my way to regain my voice as I’ve started learning again speaking in English and in Finnish after my third cancer diagnose. (Unfortunately those other 8 languages that I used to speak are just a memory -for now.)
Join me every Monday, Wednesday and Friday as I chat to fellow entrepreneurial-minded glow-getters like you over a hot green tea. From bold dreams to helpful hints, this podcast covers it all.
I believe that time is the most valuable thing we can spend. So I promise to deliver episodes to you bite-sized fluff-free listenings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. After every episode, that last from 2-minutes to 90-minutes, there will be a new FREE download here at
Let’s live what we love!💜
Peeling back the layers of business and revealing the good, the bad and how to turn those lemons into lemonade.
Empower talk
the podcast about stories, strategies and mindset skills